Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Delivery times may vary based on your location and stock availability:
• United States:
• If the item is in stock at our US warehouse, shipping usually takes 1-7 business days.
• If the item is out of stock at our US warehouse, we will arrange for international shipping, which typically takes 7-12 business days. In rare cases, delivery may take up to 12-15 business days.
• International Customers:
• Orders are shipped internationally and usually take 7-12 business days, depending on your geographical location. In rare cases, delivery may take up to 12-15 business days.
Please note that during promotional and holiday periods, shipments may be slightly delayed due to increased order volumes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
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Feel free to reach out! Whether it’s about our products, shipping policies, or anything else, we’re here to help.
Customer support team from: 8am to 8:30pm daily.Average answer time: 24h.